
Friday, December 27, 2024

Diversity, Equity and Imperialism

 ... and no, I'm not kidding, at least not from the progressive point of view. It all seems to make sense if you adopt their goals.

During the Biden sleepover, Logan Airport looked like this

The people in that shot were all illegals. Boston ran out of other places to store them.

Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that they were Hondurans. In order to get to Logan, they had to walk about 1,500 miles to make it to McAllen, Texas where they would be shuttled this way and that by our Day Care Border Patrol. The Biden Administration wanted them here because it was better for them.

Fair enough, but why was it better for the migrants to be in the US rather than in Honduras? What is the big difference? Well, the primary difference is that Honduras is run by Hondurans while the US is run by Americans. Yes, there are climate and terrain differences, but we have lots of humid jungle places, too.

The per capita income in Honduras is about $6700. As a comparison, the per capita income in lowly Mississippi is $52,500. In Massachusetts, it's $90,600. You might make less if you lived in Yazoo City, MS or Yuma, AZ, but by and large, you're about 10x better off in the land run by Americans.

Maybe there was a way to help the Hondurans live in such a place without making them take a 1500 mile hike, which, by the way, is approximately 3,366,150 steps. What if we took over Honduras with our military and installed our own colonial government down there? Then Honduras, like Massachusetts, would be governed by Americans. 

Not only that, but all Hondurans would be able to enjoy the peace, stability, order and freedom that we enjoy even in statist prison camps like Boston. It wouldn't just be the ones who walked out their front door, took a wrong turn and four million steps later ended up being processed by our diverse and inclusive Border Patrol.

That sounds like a win-win. All the Hondurans get what they wanted, they don't have to hike through crime-infested Mexico, getting abused by the cartels and we don't have to pack them into our airports. As an added bonus, America becomes more "diverse" as the Hondurans could then be counted in our population statistics.

Diversity, Equity, Imperialism. It's a new kind of DEI.

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