
Friday, September 13, 2024

The Destruction Is The Plan

 I'm a broken record, but so what?

As the very word implies, "queer" does not name some natural kind or refer to some determinate object; it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence. (Halperin, 1995, p. 62, italics in original) 

I've ranted many times before that there is no plan. The "multinationals" and "globalists" and, God help you if you believe this, "the Jews" are not trying to take over. There is no plan in that we're not going anywhere positive. Instead, the migrant crisis in Springfield, OH is the whole bonbon tè played out on a small stage. The goal isn't anything positive, the goal is the destruction of whatever systems, structures and culture currently exist. Destruction, the dominant progressives believe, will reduce injustice.

The destruction is the plan. Dig this.

No one on Earth thought bringing Haitians into any place in the US was going to make things better. Anyone who thought about it for even a few minutes knew 20,000 Haitians dumped into a town of 58,000 was going to be a catastrophe.

The catastrophe was the plan.

Sarah Hoyt has a good recent post on this.

Race means nothing. Culture means everything. And Haitian culture is horrible, coming from horrible circumstances and a horrible history. In fact, things have been bad for so long in Haiti that even attempts at turning it around are impossible. And would probably fail. The island has been a wreck and a charity case so long that there is no memory of a productive existence, anymore. (No, it’s not race. The Dominican Republic has the same racial composition and is not the same mess.)

Haitians are as close, at this point, to feral humans, as it’s possible to get. Worse, they’re referalized humans. Humans once civilized who have been forced by extreme circumstances, to shed their civilization. Which is much worse than being “just” savage or feral.

She adds this tidbit re: the shrieking about accusations that Haitians, who eat dirt in addition to dogs and cats back in their paradise home, are eating Americans' pets. It might just turn out to be prescient.

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