
Saturday, September 07, 2024

It's Not Going To Be A Perpetual Revolution

 I know I've been using this quote a lot lately, but it's key to what we're seeing.

The goal is the destruction of the very concept of normalcy, a goal that can never be reached. The revolution is perpetual, it is the continual destruction of all stabilizing forces in society. The progressives believe that all stabilizing forces, i.e. "normalcy," were created by oppressors for the purpose of exploiting and oppressing the "marginalized."

There are three possibilities. 

  1. The marginalized have been oppressed by you because you're part of the systems of oppression.
  2. The marginalized are marginalized because they choose poorly in life and do things that lead to failure.
  3. Some combination of the above.

None of us live like 1 or 3 are true. For example, we try to show up on time at work. We do our best to obey traffic laws and we try not to ingest any more addictive substances than absolutely necessary.

OK, that last one is a bit of a reach for me, but you get what I'm saying. I don't have dentures because I never got to the point where I knocked my teeth out in the gutter during a particularly ferocious bender, so it's at least partially true even for me.

Because there are behaviors that lead to success - hard work, honesty, faithfulness, courage, honor - the people who practice those will always do better than the ones who do not. The "perpetual revolution" is really just one revolution - a fight against behaviors that lead to success. It will never end because the goal will continually recede. The more self-destructive behaviors you embrace, the farther ahead the Normals get.

This is not a picture of my addict brother's scrofulous, sore-encrusted legs and feet that I caressed as I sat by his bed in the hospital while he lay dying. Maybe that's because I got where I am by oppressing people like him.

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