
Wednesday, September 04, 2024

I'm Now Officially Spooked

It's time to get serious about getting a place in Dixie.

Tren de Aragua in an international, organized crime syndicate based out of Venezuela. When Biden and Harris opened our borders, units from Tren de Aragua entered. They're in all of the big sanctuary cities, but it seems like Denver and its suburbs have gotten the very worst of it.

The women of Denver and Aurora have noticed. Denver, it's worth noting, has the highed number of illegals per capita of any major city in the US.

Now I understand that she's white, so she's naturally a racist and her opinions aren't all that helpful. Let's see if we can find a person of color to discuss it.

Hmm. Is it really that bad? Isn't San Diego relatively safe?

Out in Jamul, those "migrants" aren't families with precious, delightful moppets and tenderhearted, if a bit rotund, mamacitas. Those are almost certainly all military-aged single males trying to hop on that bus. It's OK, though, the blues that run San Diego have a solution. They told the bus drivers not to stop there any more. Problem solved!

The Tipping Point

All of that is undoubtedly fascinating, but it still wasn't enough to completely spook me. This was what tipped me over the edge.

Dig the way they've got a security man on the job covering any place a homeowner might emerge. The dude has an assault rifle at the ready. He clearly knows how to use it.

That's it. I'm done. I can't cope with that. This isn't disorganized, low-IQ dingbats robbing your house. These aren't American citizens with biometrics on file with the cops and addresses where the cops can find them if there's a murder charge. These are ghosts. We don't know who they are, where they live, what they look like, what their fingerprints look like, who their friends or kinfolk are and on top of that, they're working with military precision.

If wife kitteh hears a noise in the night and I walk downstairs into that, I'm dead. Period, end of story. Those guys won't hesitate to shoot to kill. That's what they do and since they're illegals, there's no downside because there's no way the cops can ever find them.

Also, there is no way on Earth that Tren de Aragua is the only newly-imported gang operating in the US.

Bonus Tidbit

A whole lot of men are going to die before this is over. That's OK, though. It will reduce our surplus toxic masculinity, right?

The Venezuelan street gang Tren de Aragua is believed to have given what authorities are calling the "green light" to attack and kill police officers, federal authorities have warned.

A bulletin by the Colorado Information Analysis Center, a screenshot of which was shared with Fox News Digital, warns that a police department in New Mexico have received information from federal partners that members have been encouraged to attack police officers in Denver.

Jamul Update

One of my fellow San Diego bloggers texted me with this bit of information from Jamul where she lives. 

My friend's grandson was on one of the school busses in Jamul. She told me the kids are really shook up and traumatized by what happened in Jamul. Sheriffs now escorting school busses.

I'm glad the sheriffs are escorting the school busses. It will give them something to do. 

Late Update From Aurora, Colorado

The blue state authorities are not on your side.

Letters obtained by The Denver Gazette from the law firm representing CBZ Management — whose apartment complex in Aurora was shut down over what the city described as safety issues last month — show officials were fully aware weeks ago of accusations that a Venezuelan gang had “forcibly taken control” of the property.

In an Aug. 28 letter to Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, the law firm wrote that CBZ Management had been informed that “Aurora Multi-Family Projects have been forcibly taken control of by gang(s) that have immigrated here from Venezuela.”

Aurora officials initially dismissed the company's claims publicly, calling them "diversionary tactics" and "alternative narratives." The issue, the city insisted, was the numerous violations of the local government's code.

Officials have since walked back those claims back.

The Aurora complexes affected by gangs — based on reports — included The Aspen Grove, Whispering Pines and The Edge at Lowry.

Last week, the city acknowledged that authorities earlier arrested a "documented" Tren de Aragua gang member — twice — over a shooting incident and a separate case in which a man was badly beaten at another apartment complex. After the first arrest, that gang member, court documents revealed, was released on a bond. 

1 comment:

  1. "It's time to get serious about getting a place in Dixie."

    If you can take the heat and humidity, go for it. Myself, I can't; I'm so glad that my father moved *from* Dixie (not least that he'd never have met my mother otherwise).
