
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bonus Content And Exit Question

Here's some bonus content for the current series on sex, Sex, SEX!

She didn't do this to herself. She is living in a culture where career trumps marriage, where women aren't supposed to need men, where men are marinating in porn and on and on and on. This is happening to her and she hates it.

What is happening is not evolutionarily superior. It's not mirroring reality. It denies sexual dimorphisms. It makes people less happy by a wide margin. While this girl, as some have suggested, might be suffering from a breakup, what she is expressing has been expressed to me by many women her age. While the narrator, a MGTOW guy, blames her for her problems, his takes are only part of the story as men have complimentary issues.

Exit Question

So it's counter-rational, it's paying off in suffering and self-negation, but we're still doing it. Someone has to be seeing a payoff.

Who benefits from her suffering and how?


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She looks very young, and I posit many of us had the tumultuous breakup cry at that age. However, posting on TikTok isn’t going to help. Time to learn resilience and to work though the disappointment, preferably offline.

    I disagree with the family/career premise. We have a family-unfriendly economy, despite all the lip service, and ANYONE with significant resume gaps are basically screwed.

    I’m old enough to remember displaced homemakers and the immense challenges they went through to rebuild their lives.

  2. That didn't sound so much like a woman who wants a boyfriend, more like a woman who wants any friends at all. A roommate, even. It sounds like she knows nobody, and has no idea how to make friends. She doesn't need to date, she needs to join a club, or volunteer with some organization that does something she finds interesting, or take night classes for some hobby, or start attending a church to participate in their social functions. Anything but sitting at home feeling sorry for herself.
