
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Of Cats And Knights

Blending two of my favorite topics together in the AI Cuisinart that is ChatGPT, I give you these images of chivalric ... heroism? 


Lady Muffin, I have slain the dragon and brought you back your chunk light tuna in wa ... 
Oh damn. This is in oil. I slew the wrong dragon.

I have opened the door and let you out. I have closed the door after letting you back in. I have opened the door to let you out again again. I have closed the door partially so you can go in or out as you please. I have pulled the string. I have given you the catnip mousies. I have offered you Fancy Feast. Pray, Lady Whiskers, what is it that you wish of me? I can bear your meowing no longer!

Our campaign map for the war against the Vikings lies beneath Sir Fluffy. Knights of the Round Table, I bid you move the cat so we can get the map!

(Motionless silence.)

Yeah, I get it. I'm not moving him, either.

While Mr. Piffles was slaying the dragon, Sir Bedivere performed a truly heroic act. He returned from the store with a can of tuna and, best of all, a can opener!


  1. Hmm. ChatGPT appears to think that cats should be rather . . . chubby.

  2. Tim, you should see what I got when I asked for a group of large, Egyptian men carrying a cat around ancient Cairo. The cat was positively enormous!

  3. I liked that last one best of all.
