
Friday, February 02, 2024

And The Beat Goes On

I'm exploring ways to set up a camera to get some interesting shots of the flock of doves we've got at one of our backyard feeders, but I haven't mastered it yet. Sans that content, we'll whack at the illegal invasion piƱata one more time.

Dig this from ORD.

A month ago, Chicago's O'Hare Airport had a shuttle bus center that was used for, well, shuttle buses. Now it's wall-to-wall illegals.

Not to worry, more illegals are on the way, Chicago. Maybe you can start stacking them two and three deep.


  1. The illegals are getting $9000 a month in goods and services from Chicago.

  2. Every penny spent on that is a penny not spent on permanent housing or English language instruction. All they're doing is extending the life of the problem.
