
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Donald Trump As A Coloring Book

Now that the Republicans have decided to lose the 2024 presidential election by nominating a malignant narcissist, it's time to ponder just why this happened.

As near as I can tell, his supporters see him as whatever it is they desire most in a leader. He himself doesn't show any of those characteristics consistently, but he does so often enough for them to believe he is The Guy.

Trump is a coloring book for team MAGA. Unsurprisingly, coloring books of Trump exist, which is kind of what you'd expect of a malignant narcissist.

On Twitter, I'm told over and over again that we need to rally behind Trump and help him win. Why? Trump himself isn't trying to help Trump win. You can color him in as someone who is working day and night to win the election, but that's just you wishing it was so. It's not reality.

Consider this: In the middle of a defamation case, Trump is actively defaming the woman accusing him of defaming her. It's like a murderer killing people in the courtroom while his murder trial is happening.

It's surreal.

I'm being asked to financially support and lobby for a candidate who, in pursuit of adoration and attention to fill his bottomless need, will assuredly wipe out any good I've done on his behalf by going on some unhinged rant.

If you want to win the presidency, you've got to be focused like a laser beam on securing every possible vote. That's why politicians sound so scripted. They don't want a single phoneme to come out of their mouths that doesn't increase their vote total.

For Trump, his mental illness makes him value praise and attention over everything else. He can't help having spasms of rage when he's criticized. Trump is not trying to win the election except as a means to get more praise and attention. His sickness makes him value the short term over the long term, hence his ravings defaming the person accusing him of defamation during his defamation trial.

It Won't Stop If He Wins

I would bet the mortgage that if Trump wins, he will grant amnesty to all of the illegals.

Imagine what a narcissistic rush it would be for him to hear 8,000,000 people chanting his name in praise after he grants them citizenship. Imagine how it will feed his insanity to see family after family tearfully worshipping him in TV news interviews.

He's not trying to win. If, by some crazy stroke of luck, he manages to squeak out a victory, he's not going to do the things you colored into your coloring book. He's going to do whatever gets him the most praise.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm upgrading the Donald to the worst President of my life time. Yesterday, he proved unequivocally that he doesn't care at all about the country. Telling republicans not to support a deal that will help stop the invasion of our country; because he wants that crisis to continue to help him get re-elected.

    He's destroying the party; a party that abandoned me long ago. And without a right leaning party, he has condemned the country to be ruled unchecked by extreme leftists.

    I feel sorry for my kids.
