
Friday, November 10, 2023

It's Not The Antisemitism

 ... it's the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

First, some data points. At UCLA, students happily attacked a symbol of Judaism, a paper with a Jewish leader on one side and a Jewish symbol on the other. Note the delight on their faces as they act out, "Juden raus!"

It's a pity no one handed out copies of the Nazis' board game to them. Since there are still quite a few shopping days until Christmas, perhaps we can get them some as a gift.

Elsewhere, the NYT was attacked because it's ... it's ... well, I'm not sure what it is that drove the DEI fascists mad with hate.

The KKK references from the fascists is not tangential, it's the key to the mystery. As Velma from Scooby Doo might exclaim if she was majoring in a social justice degree at an Ivy League university, "Jinkies! The Jews are white-adjacent and we all hate straight, white, conservative, Christian men the most of all! The Jews are practically the same group!"

Being naturally lazy, I won't do the analysis myself. Instead, I'll just link to this absolutely outstanding essay by Bari Weiss. Here's a tidbit.

What I saw (as a student on campus 20 years ago) was a worldview that replaced basic ideas of good and evil with a new rubric: the powerless (good) and the powerful (bad). It replaced lots of things. Colorblindness with race-obsession. Ideas with identity. Debate with denunciation. Persuasion with public shaming. The rule of law with the fury of the mob.

People were to be given authority in this new order not in recognition of their gifts, hard work, accomplishments, or contributions to society, but in inverse proportion to the disadvantages their group had suffered, as defined by radical ideologues. According to them, as Jamie Kirchick concisely put it in these pages: “Muslim > gay, Black > female, and everybody > the Jews.”

She's Jewish-centric, so the essay is mostly about the threat to the Jews from DEI and she's got the equation somewhat wrong, but the rest of it is excellent. To my mind, blacks trump everyone else in the DEI universe.

The riots and protests and vandalism are part of the ongoing cultural war. The battle lines are drawn over the concept of the individual. Do your actions, thoughts, beliefs, accomplishments and failures define you or do your group memberships define you?

For me, that whole inequality sequence makes no sense at all. Blacks are better than Jews? Which blacks? Which Jews? Why? What are the metrics being used? As far as I can tell, the DEI crew uses utterly infantile, Marxist metrics. I don't. I couldn't care less about your group memberships.

As long as you enjoy SEC football, tales of chivalry and Southern cuisine, you're alright in my book. 😊

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