
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Robert E. Lee Judging A Beauty Contest

 A while back, when I was playing with AI art, I used Midjourney to create an image of Robert E. Lee wearing sunglasses. Midjourney took inputs from a group chat portal. You'd make a request via chat and a while later, the image would show up in the stream. That meant you could see everyone else's requests, too. A good number of people were creating softcore. It was chicks in tasteful clothes, but it wasn't girls with 40# extra wearing sweats and no makeup, it was all hotties all the time.

No surprise there.

The results, as I recall were perfectly adequate. Things have progressed as things are wont to do and now we've got a passel of AI softcore bots. One is Milla Sofia.

She's a bot. It's only going to get more realistic from here.

Right away, I think you can see the real threat posed by AI. It's not that it will destroy the world, it's that it will destroy motivation. Milla is software and as such will be fully reproducible and customizable. Good luck competing with that, OnlyFans supermodels.

Lots of wags on Twitter got big laughs out of mocking the simps following the softcore bots. "Ha ha!" they said. "Good riddance to all those losers. They are taking themselves out of the gene pool."

Well, that may be true, but they're also taking themselves out of the dating pool. I hadn't realized there was such a glut of men out there that you could afford to siphon off a large percentage of them by giving them access to customizable supermodels who will chat with them with far more intelligence and unrelenting support and sympathy than any real woman could hope to have.

I argued elsewhere that the real threat of AI is that it will make us deliberately ignorant.

Developing skills requires work. The more work your devices do for you, the fewer skills you will have. It's that simple. A while back, when I was working with ChatGPT, I watched a video where a video editor talked about using ChatGPT to write Adobe After Effects scripts for him. The scripts produced title animations. He admitted he didn't know the scripting language and realized that ChatGPT meant he didn't have to learn it.

He was belligerently ignorant. In the video, he snarled at ChatGPT when it gave him code that didn't do what he wanted.

Now, in addition to answers to all our questions, we have customizable, high-grade porn on demand.

Even before the general availability of AI, we had some issues with uneducated people.

I did a little digging and discovered that it was well known that Jackson (Mississippi) Water's maintenance was shoddy. There had been statewide efforts in the last decade to try to give them help, but the place is badly run and it all went for naught. For example, Jackson Water contracted with Siemans to get smart metering going. That ended up in a lawsuit. Jackson Water's billing system is dysfunctional as well with about $100,000,000 in unpaid water bills. Some customers get no bills, others get outrageously wrong ones.

In short, there's a human capital problem at Jackson Water. One of the articles I read hinted at the state having to send in its own technicians to do the work that Jackson Water's people couldn't do. Once you strip away the red vs blue and black vs white garbage, you get down to the real problem. The employees at Jackson Water just aren't up to scratch.

How much damage can you do to your human capital before you really start to feel the loss? I haven't touched the drug problem, but that's not hard to imagine if you've ever driven through downtown Anywheresville. We just keep piling addictions on ourselves and act like it's not going to come back and bite us on the posterior.

Human operating systems are eminently hackable.

Every year of skill development lost is irreplaceable in a human life. That includes relationship skills. Every year of fertility lost is irreplaceable as well. I like to tell my kids that you can recover from almost anything, but lost time is not one of those things.

Do we really need one more addiction vector, one in the form of perfect, virtual girlfriends?

The general is very disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Your previous post is kind of the polar opposite here. What girls are out there? You have some violent feminists becoming snow white, and a nice looking woman at first glance. She has too much makeup on. And then starts talking. She wants to be treated like a princess but doesn't want her suitor to be an individual. At least she admits she's a hypocrite.

    So it seems that both sides, male and female, have plenty of blame for the state of social interaction.

    How did we raise an entire generation of fragile, close minded people?

    I haven't tried any AI. I really don't see the point.
