
Saturday, August 05, 2023

How To Visualize $32T Of Debt

Here's the latest from the debt clock as of the publishing of this blog post.


This is a good visualization of it.

$32T means never having to say your sorry. It means never having to pay for damages. It means never having to clean up after yourself.

Yes, individuals still have to do some of the work themselves, but in the end, losses get covered with printed money one way or another.

If the residents of NYC had to work 8 hours of unpaid overtime to pay for the damages from this riot and then again for all previous riots and then again for all future riots and lootings, this stuff would stop tomorrow.

As an ancillary benefit, all the talk from progressive, race-baiting politicians about avoiding hurtful words regarding the actions of the "teens" and "youths" would stop as well.

Oh well. I can dream, can't I? 

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the new Mayor of Chicago (yes, there is someone worse that Lauri Lightfoot) reporters about not using a trigger word.


    Because Chicago has history.

    Which is true. It however has no future thanks to Lauri and this moron.
