
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Tilting At Feminist Windmills And Destroying Romance

Two months ago, before Bud Light incinerated their brand with that monumental pervert, Dylan Mulvaney, in an event that went mostly unnoticed, Miller Lite released this grating, feminist finger-wagging ad.

This is wrong on so many levels. Let's start at the bottom.

This ad presumes the atheist, Marxist model for reality. Men oppress women. That's the basis for the whole thing. That model is demonstrably false. Men do not oppress women. When it comes to sexual relationships, men and women are complimentary, created by God to fulfill each other's needs. The Dance of Romance goes something like this.

  1. Women work hard to be attractive to men, not knowing when they will encounter Prince Charming.
  2. A man notices the woman and his desire is kindled. He approaches her.
  3. If he is acceptable, she allows him to woo her and she encourages him.
  4. He works to prove his kindness, generosity, valor and competence to her.
  5. She continues to encourage him.
  6. If the relationship works out, he proposes marriage and she accepts.
  7. She gives him children. He gives her resources and protection.
  8. Love

We are creatures who are unique in that we possess the spark of the divine, but we are still creatures of the flesh. That dance of romance is common to many creatures. Heck, the house finches have it dialed in, it's not that hard to understand.

The ad above removes rung 1 from the ladder above. Porn removes rung 2.

Note: I normally don't go graphic on this blog, but I'm making an exception in this case because it shows reality.

The Times in the UK ran an article by a woman who created a PornHub account and then scanned the top-ranked videos in the UK. She saw the face of Satan. Here's an excerpt in image form.

Heroin addicts continually increase their dosage levels because they are futilely trying to relive their first high. Their first hit does brain damage, making all future hits less enjoyable. Porn is the same way. The user, futilely seeking that first high, is drawn to more and more grotesque or exaggerated images or videos. New and different is exciting.

Goodbye, rung 2. The dance of romance stops before it even starts. Men get consumed by the porn they consume and women fall into depression and despair because they can't get the masculine attention they crave.

Meanwhile, the progs and feminists are fighting beer promo posters featuring bikini models. While women are in dark despair and men are consumed by Satanic porn, the progs are proudly and sanctimoniously attack images of chicks in bikinis.

They couldn't be more detached from reality because their underlying model of reality is utterly false. Marx was wrong. The world is not defined by childish groupings and power dynamics. It's rich and complex and our relationships, designed by God, are as deep and unique as the individuals involved.

And so the woke march on, possessing the commanding heights of the culture, spreading pain because their intellectual basis is nonsense. They are so consumed with their nonsense that they cannot see the reality of the hideous depravity wrecking romantic relationships and the lives of the young.

In fact, their devotion to their Marxist idiocy is so deep and so complete that they must deny what they see all around them, save for those things that validate their oppression models. It took the reporter from the Times no effort at all to make a PornHub account and see the demonic horror therein. 

And so off they go, fighting 30-year-old posters of chicks in bikinis. Hooray for women! Hooray for girl bosses! Slay, Queen!


  1. So what is the distinction between "pictures of women in skimpy bikinis" and "pornography"?

  2. Incidentally, when I look at your "Dance of Romance" list, I have to say that's not how I met my wife at all. She was attracted to my Tesla coil (and no, that's not a euphemism for anything), and I was more interested in the fact that she liked that sort of thing than whether or not she was dressed sexily. Our first "date" was going out to collect wild apples to make applesauce (and that isn't a euphemism, either). We quickly became friends, and now we've been happily married for 27 years and have two excellent children.

    The thing is, I had been being told that I should do something like the "Dance of Romance" starting way back when I was in high school, but after failing to get even to step 3 for the next fifteen years, I decided to just be generally friendly and see how things went. Which ultimately worked out a lot better.

  3. Yes. Seriously. Men look at pictures of provocatively-posed women in bikinis to get sexually stimulated. That's why they look at pornography, too. A couple of little scraps of cloth don't make a damned bit of difference, except legally. It may be "soft" porn, but it's still porn.
