
Monday, February 13, 2023

The Bubble Doom Loop

From time to time on Twitter, I see videos of race-based beat-downs. They always go in one direction, a young black man, possibly with friends, beating someone of another race. Given the DOJ statistics on such matters, it's somewhat representative of violent encounters, but it completely obscures the frequency of them. That is, you never see videos of pleasant interactions, just the attacks.

There was one recently where a white high school boy was attacked while he was sitting at a table. I won't include it here because the violence is horrifying to see. What I'm noticing that's worth a blog post is the rising tide of racial animosity against blacks. You used to see a couple of nasty comments in response to tweets like that. On this one, the rage went on for pages. The quote tweets were off the charts. This is very bad medicine.

What gives? Here's my answer.

You may need to click on that image to read it.

Our Elites, the academics, politicians, entertainers and news media, living in a nearly hermetically-sealed bubble where they talk to no one but themselves, have spent decades creating an environment of racial hatred. That image illustrates where we are today. All of the racial pride months celebrate how this or that group overcame straight, white men. That demographic and their wives have had quite enough of it.

When a video comes along showing racial violence, it's a match to gasoline. It's bad enough to see a beating captured on video, but after years and years of being told that the other races are sunshine and light while you're the scum of the Earth, explosions of fury are perfectly predictable.

So why didn't our Elites predict it? Because they aren't talking to us, only to each other. Ben Shapiro captures it perfectly here.

Like I said at the top, the videos aren't representative. What they are is ignitors for something horrible.

I can't tell if any of the people in the faculty lounges are seeing this. If they are, I wonder how many of them are brave enough to suggest a course correction. My random sampling of USD's work says that the answer to both questions is no.

The solution is not rage against each other, but to fight to burst the bubble of the Elites before this thing consumes us all.

Super Special Bonus Link

The Elites just can't stop adding incendiaries to the pile. Dig what the Metropolitan Museum of Art is doing now.


  1. ==So why didn't our Elites predict it?==

    Naa, they *planned* it.

    1. Nate Winchester10:59 AM

      Planning implies a level of competence I'm not sure I feel confident in granting.

      But they have intended destabilization.
