
Saturday, February 25, 2023

D-E-I Is D-E-A-D

... at least in the red states.

Thanks to the leadership of Rob DeSantis in Florida, the civilized red states are fighting back against the forces of bigotry and racial hate that bring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion into their schools. Dig this.

The University of Texas System has paused new diversity, equity and inclusion policies at all of its campuses, according to an announcement Wednesday by the board's chairman.

The system directive comes amid growing criticism from Republican state lawmakers about such diversity initiatives in higher education and a warning to state agencies from the governor's office that using DEI in hiring decisions might run afoul of federal and state laws.

Unlike the Republican leaders who are my age and older, who are still trying to get along with the press and the academics, the younger generation has figured out that their gooses are cooked if they don't bring a halt to the far-left indoctrination going on in our schools.

Two things come to mind about this.

  1. If the progressives are right and they really are fighting for the lives of blacks all across America with these DEI initiatives, you'd expect to see a migration of black Americans from red states to blue. If you don't see that, then DEI wasn't addressing an issue all that important to them. One might even conclude that it was all a power fantasy dreamed up in the faculty lounges of the major universities.
  2. If the elimination of DEI leads to the return of a classical education, as Governor DeSantis is trying to bring about in Florida, it may well unseat the Ivy League as the education powerhouse. The progressive schools are watering down their incoming students by doing away with standardized testing and teaching ever-flabbier content by tossing white, European sources. That's a recipe for weakening the end product of the universities.

As for the migration part, dig this story of a woman uprooting her family from Massachusetts and moving to Florida to escape the cultural madness of the progs. Will there be similar motivations for blacks and progressives to leave the red states?


  1. I started listening to a new podcast, "Dad Jokes". Yes, they are mostly awful puns designed to make you grown. And it has a laugh track.

    They are also promoting another similar podcast for "Shower Thoughts". Off the wall ideas that pop into your head.

    There was one really good one that I heard last week.

    "Most people don't aspire for justice or equity. They aspire to join the ranks of the oppressors."

    That exactly sums up the woke and progressives in my biased mind.

  2. ==Rob DeSantis==

    Shouldn't that be 'Ron'?

    Some people have been calling 'DIE' for some time, which fits, since it's a kiss of death to competence.
