
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Chickens Are Not Basketballs

Finally, I break from novel-writing! Yay!

A young man who is a devout Catholic, recently took a stand at his high school to defend both his faith and the young ladies at the school. He peacefully, but loudly protested the school's decision to allow boys dressed as girls to use the girls' restrooms. His school suspended him and then when he tried to return to school, had him arrested by the police.

It was a Catholic school.

This is a perfect example of how "inclusion" isn't inclusion. Calling a chicken a basketball doesn't make it a basketball no matter how often you shout it at people. The progressives have adopted the word into their rotation of favorites and lash us with it ad nauseum.

You cannot be inclusive of both traditional Catholics and genderqueer people. You cannot be inclusive of both orthodox Muslims and gays. You cannot be inclusive of both orthodox Jews and antisemites. Period, end of story. Inclusivity itself is a nonsense word as eventually, one allowed group will logically exclude another.

Here, a Catholic school has decided to favor sexual fetishists over Catholics. Yes, it's that stupid. It's the ultimate example of the internal contradiction of the obsession with "inclusivity."

Because the left owns 90% of the culture, it can simply scream at the rest of us until we submit and agree that chickens are basketballs.

It makes driving the lane for a layup quite the adventure, no?


  1. Yeah, I've seen accounts of this shameful episode.

  2. Some of our Catholic prelates are complete toads.
