
Saturday, July 30, 2022

If You're Not The Lead Dog, The Scenery Never Changes

 I wanted to revisit the attack on the bodega worker in NYC.

Also in NYC, an old, Hispanic dude working at a mini mart was attacked by a young, black guy. He managed to pull a knife and killed his attacker. The NY DA, always eager to release certain criminals, including the perp who attacked the old dude, arrested the old dude for murder and set bail at $250,000.

Here's the video. A more open-and-shut case of self-defense, you could not hope to find. The old, Hispanic dude shouldn't have had to do more than give a statement to the police.

This being San Diego, close to the border, we not only have lots of Hispanic friends, but we know lots of people in interracial marriages. Taco shops are everywhere and we all have our favorites. You'd have to be a really devoted bigot to manage to cling to any kind of racial animus between Hispanics and whites here.

Given the racial mania that grips the America right now - on my startup screen, MSFT recently asked if I wanted to know how I could do more for racial justice - it's reflexive to see everything in terms of der Führer's favorite topic. If I'm Hispanic, that video and the bodega dude being thrown into prison screams at me that my race ranks lower than blacks.

At that point, what difference does anything else make? Who cares if I rank higher than whites and Asians? When push comes to shove, as it were, if I get into an altercation with a black, I'm going to be the one who gets punished.

In a multi-ethnic country like our own, this is where racialism simply must lead. The everyone-against-straight-white-men thing only works until "people of color" come into conflict. At that point, no matter which way you go, the judgment will come out as evidence of racial ranking.

Since this is coming from our ultra-credentialed, university geniuses, who don't know how anything works any more than Marx did, it can't be much of a surprise that their racial mania would result in internal contradictions and the kind of racial conflict that their ideas were intended to stop. They are total idiots, after all.

There's a way out.

1 comment:

  1. Dom Watkins10:41 AM

    Living in DC I think about this
