
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Putting Profits Before People

In abortion debates on Twitter, I keep seeing some variation of this from the pro-aborts.

Women never financially recover from having children...even when its a wanted pregnancy.  Of course this young women is going to love her children, but HER dreams are gone.

As someone who has been accused for decades of putting profits before people because I vote for less government spending and fewer regulations, it's surreal to see this coming out from the left now. Life's purpose isn't life. Life's purpose is more economic than transcendent. Her dreams are gone! Apparently, her dreams involved spending more money on herself.

I would argue that this is a natural outcome of ditching Christianity. Ideas have consequences and they will get pursued farther than you might think. We've thrown out one man - one woman marriage and that turned out to have been the only guardrail when it came to sexual norms. Now we've got madness like this.

When we discarded the thought that each person possessed a spark of the divine, it was only natural that a child's economic value could trump his life. 

I've blogged in the past about how throwing out Genesis 1:27 has led to George Wallace beating MLK in the rematch.

From putting a value on human life to sexual norms to racism, without objective, foundational principles, you really don't know where all of this will end.


  1. Come work with me.. this week has featured an enterprise-wide presentation on menopause, and assurances that we will do our hiring with a close eye on skin color. It’s hard to refrain from asking if black peoples week will be accompanied by a white peoples week.

  2. " it's surreal to see this coming out from the left now. "

    I think that this argument isn't intended to convince the people making it. It is an argument that they think could convince people like you. They perceive you as putting profits before people in other areas, and so they think that you might do it here, too.

  3. I've been blessedly free of that madness for the past two years.
