
Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Government By Caddyshack Villains

 Dig this over-perfumed fossil lecturing the peasants about her fancy car.

I swear, our political leadership has morphed into the country club snobs from Caddyshack.


  1. That particular Senator will be up for re-election in 2024. I certainly hope that her (oops assumed a gender) nis opponent uses that clip as the center piece of the ads against her (darn, that’s twice) ner.

    I’d also point out only about 9% of the EVs sold in America are built in Michigan, most are built in CA and OH. So all in all a great effort of trying to help her (Grrrrr…) ner constituents (not to even mention the complete tone deftness her (that’s 4) nis statement shows).

  2. Granted she probably shouldn't be gloating about her new toy so gleefully, but that doesn't change the fact that anyone who was expecting gas prices to stay low forever was deluded, and anyone who wasn't doing what they could to insulate themselves against the future price spikes was a fool.

    I mean, this current price spike isn't even unexpectedly high. Adjusted for inflation, it is about on a par with the spikes in 2012, 2008, and 1981, and those most recent two are well within the living memory of everyone old enough to drive.

    And yet, I am surrounded by these massive gas-guzzling pickups and SUVs that cost as much as my first house and tower over my not-unreasonably-small car[1]. These things were obviously bought by people who expected that gas was going to stay cheap forever. Even leaving aside the whole question of electric vehicles, given that there were plenty of conventional vehicles that would have been way more efficient, I have to wonder what the hell they were all thinking?

    [1] It's an all-wheel-drive hatchback sedan. It gets around in the snow just as well as the behemoths I am surrounded by, and it gets about double the gas mileage. I picked it because it would do what I wanted while still using an amount of gas that I could afford *at the peak gas price*. Meanwhile, these giant vehicles mostly have one or two people in them, and an almost unnoticeable fraction of them are carrying anything that wouldn't fit in my car, so they wouldn't even have had to make any sacrifices if they had bought something smaller. Especially considering that if they actually *did* need something bigger sometimes, the local U-haul rents full-size pickups for $20/day plus mileage.
