
Friday, April 15, 2022

The San Diego Diocese Is A Microcosm Of The Country As A Whole

I had a conversation with a friend the other day and got a few more data points about what's happening with the trans mania across the country. They told me that of their teenage child's friends, more than half now identified as trans or non-binary. They had been groomed by their local public school and the grooming took. One was now on puberty blockers and would soon be taking hormones. That road leads to madness and death.

The school was actively fighting the parents, practicing true cultural imperialism. The parents of the child who is now on puberty blockers were weak and trusted the authority figures from the school. Madness and death are on the way for their child.

I checked out our diocese website and found this.

I then visited the website of the University of San Diego, which is run by the diocese. It didn't take long to discover support for racial segregation and sexual degeneracy.

The LGBTQ+ & Allies Commons came out of a legacy of student activism that pushed for greater visibility and support for LGBTQ+ community members. As a student-run space, our work is informed and carried out by student coordinators and volunteers. We seek to create affirming spaces for queer and trans folks while educating the entire campus community about inclusive strategies.

Isn't that the perfect example of what's happening across the country? As Catholics, we're asked to evangelize a faith that has a fixed and ordered model for sexual relations. Our Elites are actively working against us. This isn't happening at the local level. Our parishes aren't embracing it, only our leadership, only the diocese.

We give them our Catholic children coming out of high school, taught to the best of our abilities to practice the faith and they groom and pervert them into something else. It's not that the diocese is trying to evangelize and failing, it's that they're materially supporting the subversion of our children and our culture.

They hate us. It's time we returned the favor.


  1. I have one question: what does the diocese expect to gain from this? I doubt that they just developed a deep hatred for the parishes out of nowhere, there must be something making them think that what they are doing is a good idea. What is it?

  2. I'm not sure they've thought any of this through. It might be just stupidity. It might be that the only people they could hire as administrators were the ultra-woke and the thing has gotten out of hand on its own while the diocese was occupied elsewhere. It might be that the university is making money and they're afraid that if they put a stop to the race and gender madness, they'd lose faculty, staff and students.

    In the latter case, that means they're pimping out our children. Awesome.
