
Wednesday, March 09, 2022

William Barr Dunks On Lester Holt

 ... and then the ball caroms off of Holt's pointy head and whacks Barr in the face. Both end up knocked out.

The right is having fun with a recent interview of William Barr by that insufferable pinhead, Lester Holt. Barr supposedly "stopped Holt in his tracks." DESTROYED! in the parlance of YouTube shorts. Here's what went down.

HOLT: Well, you write about the "big lie" being Black Lives Matter...

BARR: Black Lives Matter is based on the premise that the main threat to black welfare in the inner city are out-of-control police force that gratuitously kill African Americans. That’s simply not borne out by the facts...

HOLT: In society, do you believe there’s such a thing as systemic racism?

BARR: I actually think the whole idea is a cop-out. I think racism exists in people’s, individual’s souls.

HOLT: By dismissing systematic racism, are you not dismissing the pain of African American families that have to sit down with their children and have “the talk” because they’re afraid a simple traffic stop could lead to their deaths?...

BARR: No, in every study of the situation that I’m familiar with says there is no bias. The numbers are the product of the number of interactions police have.

HOLT: Yeah, and black men are the subject of three times as many traffic stops by police.

BARR: Right. And that sometimes is a function of where the police are. Police go where the crime is.

BOOM! Hahaha! Take that, Lefty Lester! It's about crime!

They're both wrong. By the time someone gets pulled over for a traffic stop, they've lived a considerable portion of their lives. Most of them are past high school. You know, the high schools where about half of them are functionally illiterate and as many as 33% of them read at the second-grade level.

Cops are civilization's last line of defense. If they're getting involved it's because the family, the schools, the churches, the culture and all other elements of society have failed. In a previous post, I wrote about Jacob Blake's girlfriend, the one who was brutalized, raped and robbed by that innocent victim of racist policing, Jacob Blake.

Jacob's girlfriend and baby mama, we'll call her GF, had to call the cops because there were no men to defend her. People said Kyle (Rittenhouse) was in the wrong place at the wrong time and they're right. Kyle and men like him were needed in GF's neighborhood years prior to the riot. Jacob needed a visit from Kyle and the boys wherein they, err, discussed the merits of behaving like a gentleman.

Instead, the key lessons learned by the most important people in the story, GF and her peers, had nothing to do with white supremacy, systemic racism or race race race race race race race race.

The moral of the story to GF and tens of thousands just like her is that no one is going to protect them. The cops were their last line of defense and now that's gone.

Instead of trotting out that inane cliché about systemic racism, it would be far more instructive for Lester Holt to sit down with some of those Baltimore high schoolers who read at the first-grade level. What's their normal day like? What do they eat, what do they do all day, why don't they study? Things like that. I don't give a rat's tuchus what they think of whites or if they see racism under their beds. I want to know if they have some idea of the state of their lives.

By the time these kids hit 18, the amount of damage that's been done to them by a degenerate culture absolutely dwarfs anything a cop might say or do. Maybe old Les could look into that.



  1. My wife recently told me of back when she was in Grad School in Chicago. They volunteered at Cabrini Green, and she and a young boy (under 10) had become pretty attached. He would run to her whenever they came. He always talked about how he studied hard because he wanted to get out of there. And he was a bright kid.

    One day he didn't show up when their bus got to Cabrini Green. She asked and was told that his older cousin had been killed. She never saw him again.

    I also have a black friend from my days at Qwest/CenturyLink. He was a success story, Mom raised him, and Dad was somewhat in the picture, but they were divorced. Went to college, and was in good financial shape. Married a Doctor (they lived together while she was in school). They now have 2 kids middle school and high school. They go to a private school in St Paul that is at least twice the tuition of the Christian school I sent my kids. But that's not the point.

    He was into cars, and bought new interesting cars all the time. And he routinely got pulled over in non-crime areas of the city. This was before all of Minneapolis was a crime area. One time, he had just bought a Scion xD (he called it Ugly). He was leaving a friends house in Maplewood (first ring suburb of St Paul); this is in an area of the bigger more affluent houses. He was pulled over. Once the cop had checked his license and registration; he tried to make small talk about the car.

  2. MN: You mention two things that I think point to part of the problem:

    "He always talked about how he studied hard because he wanted to get out of there."
    "They go to a private school in St Paul "

    You have these slums, where there are no real opportunities for the people who live there. The kids who have the drive and ability to make somethings of themselves have one goal - to get out of there. So, they do. And people who have gotten out sure as hell don't send their kids to school there. Even if philanthropists pour in money and resources to educate and motivate more kids, the kids don't stay, because why would they? And businesses don't stay either, because the skilled employees they need aren't there.

    So the net effect is the rest of the country sees at most a trickle of skilled, successful people coming out of the slums, but the actual slums never get any better because everyone who might have been inclined to make them better has gone. And any attempts to make it better don't appear to work, because the evidence that they are working vanishes when those kids grow up and leave.

  3. Yes, he got out. Why is the question. And I grant you that he wasn't brought up in as low of a place as Cabrini Green. But it goes back to what KT here has been saying for years. He had 2 involved parents that held him to ethical, moral, and educational expectations. Even though they were divorced they had common expectations. He couldn't play one off the other to get away with something.

    As Joe Sucheray of Garage Logic, my friend has moral and ethical standards that don't exist in the slums as a whole. There are people who try, but they are mostly drowned out the thugs and irresponsible masses.

    You want a good twitter follow for what's going on in North Minneapolis? The Reverend Tim Christopher. He lives there and he fights the good fight.

    Recently, a woman shot a man who broken into her garage to steal. She got her gun and fired 4 warning shots. That didn't have any effect. She then shot him.

    Now the left is screaming that she should have called the police. The same police that the same left has been screaming to get rid of, because they are the problem. Hypocrisy runs deep in this crowd. The left has had a strangle hold on Minneapolis for more that 50 years. It has never been worse. Why do these people keep voting for idiots that are more concerned with protecting the criminals from the law abiding citizens?
