
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

I'm Not A Biologist, I'm An Idiot

I made the mistake of watching a couple of clips on Twitter of Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation hearings. I don't know if that's how you spell her name, but I'm not going to bother to look it up because it doesn't matter.

The news media, the politicians and poor, dim Ketanji think this is all about them, but it's not. The audience is all of the rest of us and the people being confirmed are them. The hearings are confirming that they're all dingbats.

"What is a woman?" asked one of the senators.

"I don't know, I'm not a biologist." was the answer KBJ thought was clever. It wasn't clever, it was a klaxon signaling that she's a total moron who thinks we're total morons.

Like the other one she blew off about when life begins, it was a perfectly predictable question. Her handlers must surely have prepped her for it and that was her canned response. "I don't know what a woman is."

There are layers upon layers of surreality in an exchange between two women where one of them claims she doesn't know what a woman is. Her answer was probably seen as nuanced and sophisticated by her comrades. It was couched in that appeal to authority that plagues us, a demand that any person objecting must first show their credentials like a cop showing his badge. The message, which KBJ screamed at us, was that if we don't have the proper credentials, we need to shut up and obey. 

Condescending and imperious doesn't begin to cover it.

Look, KBJ is going to be confirmed, so this is all just a charade put on for the rest of us. The politicians think they're posing and making the right points for their voters and KBJ thinks she's the smartest person in the room by a mile. They're not and she's not.

Instead, this is yet another marker of how detached the Elites are from us and how detached they are from reality. If my young coworkers are any guide, that video has gone viral and will be seen by millions. Most of them won't see it as shrewd or reasonable, they'll see it for what it is, a lame dodge that attempts to brush away what we're all seeing with our own eyes every day. 

Lia Thomas, the swimmer, is a dude. It's as plain as the nose on your face. When KBJ and her buddies stroke their chins and ponder how many bepenised swimmers can dance on the head of a tampon, the rest of us roll our eyes and reach for the remote.

KBJ isn't a biologist, she's an idiot and we all know it.


  1. I think a better response would be:
    "I'm a judge. It's not my job to create legal definitions or laws, my job is to apply them and determine whether they are in conflict with each other. Senator, it is your job to make laws and definitions. Don't expect me to do your job for you."

  2. Tim - That would be a great answer. Particularly if she meant it. But since when do ‘liberal’ judges just interpret the law? They legislate from the bench. And this nominee is as liberal as any we’ve ever seen. So she WILL be happy to ‘write law’. She should at least have the honesty to tell us what those will be based on. I don’t have any doubt what her response meant - do you?

  3. To me that's a bad answer. She is saying that a biologist defines what a woman or a man is, not society. Last I heard, biology is still a science. Gender is a social construct now, as we were informed by the guy who used to comment here regularly a year or 2 ago.

    And Tim, I have to agree with Ohioan. Judges are making laws out of whole cloth all the time now. I did think it is interesting that she said she believes the Constitution is fixed. I remember when Obama ruled the land, there was some smirking egotist that wrote that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were outdated; and that they, the ruling class of the DNC, were so much smarter than the Founding Fathers, and they shouldn't be held to it. Seems that was in a posting on 'Beers with Demo'. One of my favorite blogs.

    Biologist (I happen to me married to one) know that people for the most part are split between male and female, as defined by chromosomes. Yes, mutations happen, but that is not what is being talked about by the woke.

    The NCAA and other corrupt sports organizations would do well to define men's and women's sports by biology. And if they want to allow competition of trans, then there should be a separate grouping. I believe that Katlyn Jenner is being attacked by the left for that basic opinion.

    The fight is all about the destruction of society as we know it.

  4. "I don’t have any doubt what her response meant - do you?"

    I know exactly what her response meant. It meant that she didn't want to answer, because any answer she gave was going to be turned against her by one side or the other. The whole thing is a charade where the Senators are trying to make public hay, they aren't actually learning a damned thing about her that they didn't know already.

    As for the "making laws from the bench", yes, I agree that's a problem. But, both political parties have decided that that's what they want judges to do now (but only if the judge is on their side). The only thing saving us is that the judges are more or less equally split between parties, and so their efforts to actually make laws mostly seem to get canceled out over time.

  5. I have to disagree with you, Tim. Her answer was ridiculous. She's allowing the Overton Window to be moved by people who clearly don't have our best interests at heart. She can't define a woman? What a poltroon. She's not willing to stand up for the truth. That disqualifies her as a judge on any court immediately.
