
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Disney Myopia

What strikes me most about the reactions on the left to the anti-grooming legislation in Florida, wherein teachers will not be able to shove sexual degeneracy on kids in K-3, is how insular it all is. Between Disney, the Oscars and the teachers themselves, they're radioactive with myopia.

Is it even possible to be radioactive with myopia? 

Note to self: Stop the experiments on madrigals per hectare and resume experiments on myopic isotopes.

Where was I? Oh yes, myopia. All of this "Don't say gay!" rubbish is indicative of groups of people who can't see outside their circle of like-minded colleagues. I've seen it many times before in corporate settings where people in an organization mistake their meetings for reality. Dig this one.

Disney has lost the plot, as it were. The people in that meeting are making entertainment for each other. It never occurs to them to ask if their audience might be a tad larger than the marchers in their last Pride parade. Those people don't even exist, or if they do, they're cardboard-cutout villains who need to be re-educated, silenced or suppressed in some way.

A culture is more than hairstyles and food. It includes a world view, complete with an organized set of moral values. Disney, the teachers and the howler monkeys flinging poo at the Oscars seem to be unaware of this fact. Social media gives us a window into their madhouse and what we see is cultural illiteracy combined with hubris and a wild overestimation of their place in the world.

Imagine trying to tell Africans that women can be turned into men. Imagine telling a devout Muslim that you're going to add as many LGBTQ+IAQWERTY characters as you can in your upcoming films. Imagine a parent who is not on drugs finding out that their kids' teachers have been talking about explicit sexual acts with their children and saying, "Don't tell mommy. This will be our little secret!" You'd have to be a total idiot to think that this would end well.

In short, these are the blinkered Elites I've been on about for a while. They're the French aristocracy prior to the Revolution. They mistook parental indifference to their shenanigans as assent when in reality it was the default assumption that the schools hadn't lost their minds. Now that the Normals can see what's happening, they're reacting in a perfectly predictable way. Or it would have been predictable had the teachers and entertainment industrialists bothered to leave their offices and talk to their true customers.

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