
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

When Everything Is A Black Box

 ... then every decision has to be outsourced to "experts."

This one floored me, but seems to confirm a suspicion I've had ever since Tim mentioned it in a comment a while back.

Just in case you don't speak Italian, here's the story.

Employers and workers face heavy fines if caught in violation of Italy's new Super Green Pass rules.

Italy’s covid-19 vaccination mandate for the over-50s kicks in today, Tuesday 15 February, as the government ramps up its Super Green Pass rules for the unvaccinated.

The compulsory vaccine mandate applies to everyone in Italy aged 50 or over, with unvaccinated workers to be suspended without pay and employees who go to work without the Super Green Pass risking fines of between €600 and €1,500.

So in the middle of an economic crisis, you're going to sideline thousands of your most experienced workers? It's of a piece with Justin Trudeau's insane war against the truckers. To people comfortable with some amount of science and math, neither of these moves make sense. It's when you realize that Draghi and Trudeau truly have no idea how anything in the non-political world works that the pieces fall into place.

A simple substitute for the vaccine passports would be to test people for antibodies. If it turned out that they've already had the Wuhan Flu, they could get stamped as such and excused from all vaccinations. That wouldn't take care of the paranoids, but it would deal with those who understand that recovering from the WuFlu is better than the vaccine. You'd at least be acknowledging real science. Who knows, if you ditched the masks as well, you might end almost all of the rancor.

Instead, Draghi, living in a country with completely screwed up age demographics, is going to furlough the unvaxxed over-50 crowd. It's breathtaking in its stupidity.

But is it surprising? Imagine your math skills were at the 4th grade level and you associated science with Bill Nye. The thought of making decisions about how to deal with a pandemic would be the stuff of nightmares. It would be like a college final exam in a subject you'd never studied. It's "Conjugate these Urdu verbs or you'll be expelled" sort of stuff.

Trudeau and Draghi aren't making any sense because they're consumed with sheer, animal terror.

He's popular with our friends in Hollywood. Let's trust him!

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