
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How Many Porn Assignments Did You Get In College?

Me, I got none.

Here's the intro:

Here are the details:

Mayor Craig Shubert made the statement during Monday night's board of education meeting after multiple parents complained about the content of some writing prompts contained in a book called "642 Things to Write About" provided to high school  students who are taking a college credit course called Writing in the Liberal Arts II.

Parents said there was a prompt that asked students to "write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom," and another which said "rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you'd let your mom read."

Writing a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom is the very definition of porn. In the comments of the linked article, defenders are saying, "Well, it's no big deal because it's actually a college class."


I don't know about you, but when I was in college, we weren't given any porn-writing assignments at all.

Claims of ignorance by the school officials are bald-faced lies. The teachers giving and grading the assignments clearly knew it was there. No one cared until some parents when ballistic.

Our education industry is degenerate.


  1. Yeah, I think this is the book in question, and the very first review says that it is not suitable for younger writers:

    The people using this book should have known exactly what they were handing to the kids.

  2. What I find to be the saddest part of this is that that is Hudson Ohio. Hudson is in my old stomping grounds. It is also the home of John Brown of abolition and Harper's Ferry fame. It's hard to understand how they could have shifted so crazily.

    And to answer your question, I never got a 'write a porn scene' assignment in college. But then Chemistry is about writing as clearly and accurately as possible, with fiction, to include porn, strongly discouraged.

  3. I had a biology instructor (female) who was noticeably animated when the subject was sex. A PE instructor (also female, and married) invited me to her house "for drinks". During my senior year, looking for off-campus housing, one potential landlord (male) -- who was the *head* of the university's student housing office -- tried to ... hmmm ... "seduce" me. When I told someone (whose husband was a professor) about it, she told me that it was common knowledge within the faculty that he did that sort of thing.

    But, no porn assignments.

  4. The "great" part is that the news reports all strongly imply that the mayor was full of it on the child pornography charges thing.

    ...yes, telling a minor to write a sex scene is soliciting sexual content from a minor. Duuuuuuh.
    Took me like two minutes to find this out.
