
Friday, June 11, 2021

That's A Moray!

Does the band have the sheet music I gave them? Yes, I know, it's the tune of "That's Amore." Don't worry about it. You'll see. Take it away, Deano! 

When he bites on your thumb, takes a chunk of your bum,

That's a moray

When you reach in his cave, he's all bravo and brave

He's a moray

And it's not how it feels, and you know you have eels,

That's a moray....

Scuzza me, but you see, let them be, or you'll see

Lotsa morays!

We saw this monster cruising from one rocky hiding spot to another off Ahihi-Kinau, a tiny, rocky beach way down south on Maui. Ahihi-Kinau is difficult to reach and the entrance to the water is a tiny dab of sand in an otherwise lava coastline. The dab is maybe 5' wide. Because it's so rocky, the water is usually very clear and the corals have lots of places to grow. It's lovely.

I've seen morays before, but never one swimming in the open. This guy was 6' long, easy. So beautiful!

I left the video large, so it might be worth seeing it in full screen mode. Enjoy!

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