
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Paying For Vandalism With Your Own Money

... changes your relationship with the vandals.

Or: Printed Money Corrupts Society

I'm on a roll with this concept, so I hope you'll indulge me at least one more time.

I have several friends who own their own businesses. When something goes wrong - machines break down, jobs are done wrong or employees get sick - they have to cover the losses with their own money and time. If someone at random came and broke their windows and spray painted graffiti on their buildings and vehicles, they'd have to cover that from their own wallets as well.

If Vandals of Color wrecked their property, they'd have zero patience for the Elites lecturing them on systemic racism.

Why do we listen to the Elites yapping at us? Because we don't pay for things with our own money. When there are riots, when certain neighborhoods devolve into crime and chaos, when schools are vandalized, we pay no direct costs. If, at the end of the Minneapolis riots, proggy boy wonder Mayor Jacob Frey and the socialist crazies on the city council told their constituents that they all had to drop $1250 in an envelope and mail it to city hall, how much traction would Ta-Nehesi Coates get in that city when he came to yell at them about racism?

We bought the lunatic Nazi Race Theory advocates in our universities and now in our young, professional class as soon as we decided to pay for our social services with printed money.

These kids vandalizing a school in Minnesota would get very little sympathy if you had to send a sawbuck to the mayor to repair what they damaged.


  1. And those who do the vandalism don’t pay with their cash or, thanks to the Soros DA’s dropping charges, they don’t pay with time in jail, and finally thanks to the destruction of the inner city family they don’t even have to worry about ‘dad’ taking them to task. That means there is no down side at all for them.

  2. Agreed. I guess my point is that in the near term, there's now downside to anyone save for the electorally-minimal business owners who got whacked. Disconnected like this from reality, what's going to restrain those who want to tear everything down?

  3. A lot of activism is on the cheap like this-- being merciful to career criminals by reducing their sentence? Sure, that's great-- it's not like they're going back to your neighborhood!
    Compassionately allow illegals into the country and not enforce any laws against them unless absolutely forced, to the point of helping them get their vehicle back on the road after they total someone's car? Hey, not your jobs that are being black marketed out of existence, not your rental that has 20 people living in it, not your daughter that has her car broken into every few weeks or has folks looking through her bedroom window.
    Want women in combat so that female officers can have better promotion chances? Not like more dead women-- and their team-mates, because the bad guys WILL target women first-- matter, look at the Brave Stance being made!

    They're very generous in forgiving those who wrong someone else entirely.

    This gets really obvious at murder trials, where the dead get ten seconds and the murders get days of pity.
