
Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Cutting Off Chicago To Spite Your Face

 At a recent dinner party, some Chicago natives laughed about the worry over mail-in vote fraud. Ha ha! That happens all the time in Chicago! How naive you are!

Yes, well, it might happen all the time in Chicago, but what if the red parts of the country, which geographically is almost all of it, including the countryside surrounding the Holy City of Chicago, doesn't want to have their election determined by crooks? They may take a dim view of that.

Having read a few essays on the topic, they all focus on unrest if Trump wins a contested election, unrest akin to what we're seeing now. What of it? If the people in blue cities want to burn their cities down, by all means, have at it. It's not like they can do much to the red portions of the country. Look at what they're doing now to Billings, Montana. Nothing.

Turning the problem around, if the election is clearly fraudulent a la Chicago's crookedness, what might happen if Biden won? How long can Chicago hold out without power, water, food and fuel?

Nonsense! Such acts of insurrection would never be permitted. Law enforcement would put a quick end to any roadblocks. You know, the same law enforcement that the Democrats want to throw to the wolves. That law enforcement.

Hmm. Maybe the problem is a bit stickier than we thought.

Maybe we shouldn't be using the least-reliable method of voting in a divided country that is heavily armed.

What could go wrong?

Bonus Link: Read Kurt Schlichter's excellent take on how difficult it would be to use the army to restore order in Portland.


  1. I'd been wondering why you spend so much time talking about politics in very-distant-from-you Chicago rather than San Diego, where you are on the spot. I take it that your wife and a lot of your friends are from Chicago originally?[1]

    Regarding the comment "How long can Chicago hold out without power, water, food and fuel?", the obvious answer is "maybe a few days", but I think the better question is, "what would it take to convince people outside of Chicago to take the massive economic hit of not selling them those things?" Most farmers I have been acquainted with are constantly teetering on the brink of insolvency as it is. I understand that power, water, and fuel are pretty low-margin commodities, too. Deciding to not sell to Chicago would cost them a lot of money, because there wouldn't be anywhere else to sell it on short notice. I don't see them doing it willingly.

    [1] Incidentally, I'd be more interested in seeing your first-hand accounts and opinions about San Diego and California, than third-hand discussions of Chicago. I can get third-hand information anywhere.

  2. That happens all the time in Chicago!

    *looks at Chicago* Yeah, that is the point.....

  3. Tim, this was a thought experiment that centers around what happens when you spend your time attacking the police. You need their cooperation to put down a local uprising.

    As for convincing people to take up arms, you don't need that many. ANTIFA are amateurs. A relatively small force could make a mess of our major cities pretty quickly.

  4. As for why I write this stuff, some days I just throw out the first thing that comes to mind. I have more detailed things in my head, but I don't always have the time to develop them. This is an OCD blog as much as anything else.
