
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Winning The Battles, Losing The Wars

 ANTIFA And Portland

Indefatigable journalist Andy Ngo is continuing to document the riots in Portland. Law and order types like me will love this video from last night's fighting.

When we rush the enemy in force, they flee. Hooray!

If I lived there and this had gone on for 70+ nights, I'd have my house up for sale and an escape location chosen. I'd be heading to Eastern Tennessee, coastal North Carolina or south Alabama.

As productive, sane people leave, the electorate tilts more and more towards the lunatic left. Portland isn't going to get better, it's going to get worse. The cops won the battle, but Portland is losing the war.

See also: Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, NYC, ...

Ants In My Cotton Patch

Yesterday, I told you that I opened another ant Starbucks. This morning, stricken with DIMI, which is described below, I photographed the morning rush at that borax-laced coffee shop.

I'm hoping to see results by Tuesday when the last of my shade cloth shows up. I'd love to have my ladybug aviary up and running by Thursday.

Dog-Induced Morning Insomnia (DIMI)

My wife and I now have completely opposite sleep schedules. The Wuhan Flu and left-wing rioting provides a sound basis for unsound rest. Add to that the normal ebbs and flows of family life, health scares and assorted chaos and insomnia has become the norm. She can't get to sleep and I wake up at a ridiculous hour and then can't get back to sleep.

For me, waking is typically triggered by one or more dogs going off between 0200 and 0300. Last night, it was the larger chihuahua mix getting up to gag vigorously. She didn't barf, so that was good, but when she wakes up in the middle of the night, there's a good ten minutes of happy wiggling that must be endured before she calms down again. My body decided that it wouldn't be fatal to get up and that was that.

I asked wife kitteh if she had slept yet. She said no. I got up and she fell asleep fifteen minutes later.


1 comment:

  1. Re: escaping.

    When we moved to Iowa about a year and a half ago, there were several houses for sale in town.

    Took the kids to the park, today, and noticed that every single one of them (on the market for over a year, mind you, and we thought they were over priced then!) is either pending or sold.
