
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Must-See Ladybug TV


Well, actually, after you see it, you'll think I've got a few rivets loose. It's not really must-see. In fact, it's pretty dull. On the plus side, it's only 60 seconds long.

Recap: My cotton patch was infested with aphids, protected by ants. After 2 weeks of laying out borax-laced ant bait, the ants had been reduced to a mere nuisance. I created a ladybug aviary to keep the critters on the cotton plants so they could chomp on the aphids instead of flying away. 

I think this is the last release. The aphids are almost under control and I'm guessing that this round of ladybugs will wipe them out. This time, I put a video camera inside the enclosure to see if I could find out what the ladybugs were doing. My aviary isn't without holes, so many of them simply flew away, but it looks like enough stayed to do the job.

I think I counted ten ladybugs in this video. You'll see them better if you watch it on YouTube. Enjoy?


  1. Slightly more interesting than watching paint dry. But barely. Still good to your low tech, only marginally “Better Living Through Chemistry”, approach working.

    FYI: the video link didn’t show on my iPhone until I clicked the ‘view web version’ link at the bottom of the post. Then it’s there in all its glory.

  2. Wow, some of those ladies are *booking*!

  3. If you have told us *why* you're growing cotton, I've missed it.
