
Monday, August 31, 2020

It's Not About Race

Is it Bullies' Lives Matter? Maybe it's Barbarian Lives Matter. BLM ought to be renamed into something like that. Dig these tweets from the aunt of Jacob Blake's victim.

Soph and her niece are not of the same tribe as Jacob Blake. You cannot support Jacob and support Soph. If you group people by race, then Soph and Jacob are similar, with similar needs, wants, goals and experiences. Clearly, that is false.

The same is true for every one of the BLM martyrs I could remember. They all left a trail of Sophs and nieces in their wake - raped, assaulted, robbed and murdered blacks. Are the victims "black" or only the thugs? From what I can see, it's the thugs' lives that matter. After all, no one from the news media is giving nearly as much airtime to the victims. These are two distinct groups and it is impossible to support both. You have to choose one or the other.

Herein lies the intrinsic problem with racial classification. It glosses over all of the important things in life and replaces it with an infantile characterization.

Tell me, does Soph have more in common with a white woman whose niece had been raped or does she have more in common with George Floyd?


  1. Duluth Police apologize for a Sargent writing an article on what goes on in a Police Officer's mind, when in pursuit of a suspect, who was armed, and may not be any further.

  2. oh, the URL
