
Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Return Of The Lynx

The Lynx Spider, that is.

There's been a pretty, little, green spider that's been hanging out on one of our cotton plants recently, but he's so shy that as soon as he feels vibrations, he darts underneath the leaves, making it impossible to photograph him. Yesterday, I went into the garden with my Nikon D60 Artillery Piece to shoot him. Creeping up carefully, I managed to get close without disturbing him and was rewarded with some nice photos.

Pretty cool, no?

Riots and Stuff - I need to take a break from that. The decision to charge the white cop in Atlanta with murder has accelerated the transformation of the blue cities. I'm thinking we'll end up with 3-6 more Detroits as competent people with portable skills move out. 

Wife kitteh will be taking a girls-only vacation soon and I was thinking about bolting for Dixie on a solo trip at the same time, but I think I want to see things calm down first.


  1. That is a beautiful spider. Unfortunately they apparently don't live this far north. Congratulations on getting pictures of such a quick spider!

  2. Given the insanity being perpetrated in them I wonder how many or if any of those blue States will turn red in Nov. I hope the Republic hammer away at how they've all been Dem controlled for decades.
