
Monday, June 22, 2020

The Font Was Too Small

That's the only thing I can think of when I look at the player names on the EPL jerseys from the games this weekend and then look at the crime stats in Chicago and New York City.

It could also be that not everyone marched or changed their Facebook avatars to black squares. It's hard to tell. We need Science to point the way here.

In Chicago, there were 14 killed and 95 wounded over the weekend, compared with 6 killed and 17 wounded last year. In New York, it went from 12 shot last year to 38 this year.

Another Possibility

Given the extent of systemic racism in America, we might be seeing spikes in violence because we're not tough enough on cops. We might need more of this.
Investigators are looking for the person who hung a mannequin dressed like a police officer from an overpass in Jacksonville, Florida.
Either way, it's important we all do our parts. I highly recommend changing all avatars, using as many hashtags as possible and committing as many anti-police acts as you can. Remember, silence is violence and brother, is there a lot of violence right now. 

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