
Sunday, June 14, 2020

On Statues

By all rights, if we're going to take down statues, they ought to be done in reverse chronological order since the more recent racists have less of an excuse than the ones in our past. Robert Byrd, former KKK Exalted Cyclops, ought to be first on the chopping block.

But it's not about racism, is it? It's about votes and power. It's the Democrat media, the Democrat education industry and the Party itself doing its best to keep racial paranoia strong. They're hoping their lock on black votes lasts one more election so they continue to feed the tiger they're riding.

There are months between now and the election. Given the speed and ferocity of developments, a lot is going to happen between now and then. To me, it looks like they're starting to slip off their seat on the tiger.

A drunk dude got shot when he stole a cop's taser and pointed it at him. Now we've got riots again. The abuse of police will only stop when the Democrat media and political leaders decided it will. As their relationship deteriorates, so will all kinds of other things.
  1. Property values decrease in blue cities as people try to get out
  2. Insurance rates increase with instability
  3. City budgets fall as tax revenues decline after businesses are destroyed
  4. Personal and property safety reduced as cops pull back into safe positions
  5. Increased police resignations
  6. Increased fire risks as fire departments can't respond in some neighborhoods without police escort
That last one might be the most interesting. Imagine what happens when a riot breaks out after a cop kills someone who is attacking firemen trying to do their job. That's not so far-fetched.

In any case, this is a full-on blue civil war. Let's see if the Democrat political leaders figure it out before the election. My bet is no. 

1 comment:

  1. "... Now we've got riots again. The abuse of police will only stop when the Democrat media and political leaders decided it will."

    True. And similarly with the "protests" (i.e. pre-riot stage of the Democrat riot) and the riots -- the Democrats will stop them when they believe that the riots are hurting the Party, rather than helping its electoral prospects.

    "In any case, this is a full-on blue civil war. Let's see if the Democrat political leaders figure it out before the election. My bet is no."

    Agreed -- but, it's like the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks all over again: the Bolsheviks *must* destroy the Mensheviks ... so they can get on with the *real* task.
