
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Farewell To Blue Cities

If you haven't heard the audio of Chicago's mayor talking to that city's aldermen, you need to give it a listen. I found it utterly riveting. I hadn't planned on listening to more that a few minutes of it, but I couldn't turn it off and listed to the whole hour plus. 

It was like tuning in to a German command circuit as the Russian Front was collapsing.

Ald. Pat Dowell (3rd Ward) said she felt helpless to protect older residents, who she said were struggling to buy food and get prescription medicine.

“I’ve worked really hard over the last seven years and now I feel like I am five feet back,” Dowell said.

“I feel like I am at ground zero,” Harris responded. “My major business district is shattered. Why would Walmart or CVS come back to our communities?”

Ald. Emma Mitts (37th) said her West Side ward was like “the wild, wild west out there.”

The major difference between the Wehrmacht commanders and the Chicago Democrats is that the Germans knew what was going on at both the strategic and the tactical level. Credit where it's due, the Democrats knew the tactical situation and, as shown above in their concern for businesses, had some clue about the strategic situation, but not a complete one.

The Democrats created this. They own it, lock stock and barrel. We social conservatives have been telling you this was going to happen and we were right all along. We were called intolerant, bigoted, close-minded, full of hate, but we were right all along. When we nuked the traditional family, we set this in motion and now we're nearing the end state.

I'll generalize here so people can accuse me of being a bigot. The rioters are illiterate and fatherless. They have never been taught a link between earning and having. Self-control is not a virtue with them. Finally, thanks to the progressives who have taken over our institutions, they are racial paranoids. This was all visible when we started our experiment in equating all family structures and now it's right in front of us, but the Democrat political leaders still can't see it.

When you listen to that call and hear the aldermen ask for more cops, more National Guard troops and talk about encouraging community organizers and church leaders to get out in the streets and calm the kids down, what you're really hearing is a desperate plea for father-replacements. "The kids are burning down the Walgreens! Since we don't have any dads, let's bring in the cops!"

They created the perfect breeding ground for violent, ignorant, illiterate, impulsive young men and now they're reaping the rewards.

Lightfoot said it took three hours for officers to clear the area near Madison Street and Pulaski Road, and even after officers “gassed [the crowd] with pepper spray twice, they didn’t give a s--t.”

Lightfoot said officers were in “armed combat” with those intent on committing crimes on the West Side only making progress after bringing in “heavy equipment and stronger pepper spray.”

Lightfoot said a crowd of 30-40 people gathered outside a clothing store near 111th Street and Michigan Avenue as a “dude with a sledgehammer” broke into the store to allow it to be looted.

“I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen s--t like this before, not in Chicago,” Lightfoot said.

These boys were never disciplined growing up, so now they need more cops than exist in all of Illinois to protect their city. Like stabilizing the Eastern Front in 1944, it's an impossible task.

Where This Leads

If you're at all competent and productive, you'd have to be a total idiot to stay in Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York and a half dozen other progressive cities. There's a part in that phone call where one of the aldermen muses about what will happen when the wild young men make their way into the residential neighborhoods where lots of people are armed. He's concerned that people will be shot. Yes, they might be shot today, but tomorrow, they'll find "For Sale" signs on the front lawns.

It's all dramatic and macho to talk about defending your home and family with guns, but it's not how anyone wants to live. You work all day to pay your mortgage and support your family. When you come home, there's a list of honeydos you have to tackle. The weekends are spent attending youth sporting events and fixing things around the house. Who wants to do all that and have to lay in bed at night waiting for noises that mean you need to grab your Glock and defend your home? Why not just move to a place where there aren't so many fatherless young men?

Venezuela taught us where this leads. Wretchard the Cat pointed out that the electricity didn't fail in Venezuela because the equipment broke down, it failed because the competent people left and then the equipment broke down. No one was left who knew how to fix things.

This is how deep blue California ended up the state with the worst income inequality. Competent, middle-class people have fled the state. The remaining population chiefly consists of the ultra-rich who can afford security and the ultra-poor who are the house pets of the rich progressives.

My man Tucker has been rightfully despairing of what's going on, but I would argue that this is self-correcting. In the end, reality gets a vote and on that phone call, you can hear reality voting as Chicago is burned by it's own, fatherless young men.

Blue Collar Logic breaks it down for you.

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  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

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