
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Wuhan Welfare Depression

Both wife kitteh and I have noticed that our get up and go has got up and went since this whole lockdown thing started. For me, if it's after noon, it's like my body is made of lead. I have no ambition and very little energy. She has the same thing with sleep deprivation on top. Both are signs of depression.

This must be what it's like to live on welfare. What's the point of your life if you're not accomplishing something, if you're not needed?

That stuff isn't a blessing, it's a curse.

It's a trap!


  1. Wow! The Chi-Comm Cough is so potent that this boy -- who had previously died in 2017 -- has died of it three times.

  2. I saw that one. It's like they don't know we can see what they're doing.
