
Friday, March 20, 2020

Wives As Cranky Babies

Yesterday was devoted to wife kitteh. Happily, of course.

We drove around San Diego. We looked at the ocean and then we stopped by my parents' house. It still hasn't been sold because California probate laws require you to wait until the Second Coming to finish all of the trust paperwork after someone passes away.

As we drove, wife kitteh said, "I feel like a cranky baby."

"That's because you are being a cranky baby," I replied with a smile.

She laughed. "I'm going to be fussy until you drive me around for a while and then I'll take a nap."

And so we did. Love beats goals and daily objectives, you know. She didn't take a nap, but she felt a whole lot better after we had been out and about.

Before we went on our joy ride, I was able to paint my center console. Today, I'll coat it with wax and then a release agent. After that, I'll start making the fiberglass mold from it.

You can still see the indentations from the existing holes. I figure I'll smooth those out in the mold stage by sanding down the bumps. Spackle is an unforgiving medium, especially when you have to lay it on thick. I got tired of sanding and re-applying it, so once I got close, I gave up trying to make it perfectly smooth. We'll see if that was the right decision.

California Lockdown

Governor Gavin Newsome, his eyes firmly fixed on the White House, has put the state in total lockdown. A former mayor of San Francisco, where homeless drug addicts relieve themselves on the streets and, thanks to Gavin, the city hands them free needles as fast as it can, Gavin knows all about the time bomb upon which he sits.

In short, California progs with any sense at all, which isn't many, but certainly includes ambitious predators like Gavin, are terrified the Wuhan Flu will get into the homeless populations in LA and SF. If it does, I wouldn't be surprised to see them pulling more than a hundred dead bodies off the streets of Los Angeles every day.

And just how would you find them once they died? There would be decaying bodies all over the place. Hmm.

More importantly, how could a handsome, gay, progressive governor be anointed as the Perfect Leader by the DNC if he oversaw a reenactment of the Omega Man's end-of-the-world scenes? No, it's crucial for the safety of his political career, err, the people of California, that we totally lock down the state.


  1. I don't understand how it hasn't hit the homeless yet.

    I think you will be fine in the slight lines.

    We managed to sell my Mom's condo shortly before she died. But I don't think Wisconsin has the issues of California. My brother handled most of that.
