
Sunday, March 01, 2020

Quantity Has A Quality All Its Own

... or so Josef Stalin allegedly said when he sent masses of inferior troops against the German Wehrmacht in WW II. He won.

In Syria, Turkey and the Russian-backed Syrian government are going at it hammer and tongs. Refugees are once more pouring from Syria into Turkey. The Turkish government has decided to open the floodgates and let them through into the EU.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says 18,000 migrants have crossed Turkish borders into Europe after the country "opened the doors" for them to travel. The number is expected to hit 25,000 to 30,000 in the coming days, he said. Turkey could no longer deal with the amount of people fleeing Syria's civil war, he added. Greece says it has blocked thousands of migrants from entering "illegally" from Turkey. Greek authorities fired tear gas to attempt to disperse the crowds.
As Henry Longfellow might have written, 10,000 if by land, 20,000 if by sea.

The Greek Army has 90,000 men. They have tanks and artillery as well, but those only count if you're willing to use them. 90,000 isn't a lot of men. My bet is that they have no defense-in-depth prepared and if the refugees get past the thin Greek line at the border, they're loose into the EU with nothing but the local cops to slow them down.

Coronavirus Exposure

Luckily for the EU, the refugees are noted for their medical sophistication and are fully immunized against Coronavirus. (Note to self: Double check this fact when you get the time.)

Also, the EU's socialized medicine industry is a regular factory of technologies, vaccines and cures. They won't have to fret in panicky fear, waiting for the greedy, racist Americans to find solutions to the Coronavirus pandemic. (Note to self: Check this one out, too.)

Finally, since diversity makes you stronger, the lack of border controls inside the EU will cause this wave of refugees to be a net plus for Europeans. The Coronavirus won't stand a chance against a Europe fortified with even more diversityness.

1 comment:

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