
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Do They Ever Listen To Themselves?

This is my last post from Tacoma. Tomorrow, I'll have a real keyboard, so be prepared for some long form bloviating.

Anywho, watching all the veep speculation on the fascist, err, socialist, err, Democrats' side, I'm struck by the banality of it all. 

As the presidential campaigns of each of the Hispanic, black and female candidates collapsed, the pundits wagged their fingers at us and told us we were racist and sexist. That's why those campaigns failed. America wasn't ready for such a leader.

Now we're told that Joe Biden needs to name a woman, black or Hispanic as his veep to improve his chances of winning. 

Yes. It's all starting to make sense. Just a few more hits from this bong and I'll understand... 

1 comment:

  1. What impresses me is that when their voters don't go for the identity politics, it's "America" failing.

    When other people don't follow them, it's being "divisive."
