
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Watching Someone Go Mad

At our Mardi Gras party on Tuesday, a couple of the guests were full-on social justice types. They are genuinely good people and have devoted their lives to helping the homeless and the addicted. I still think they're wrong, but I love them and love their motives. I wish I was more like them and sometimes, I wonder if my arm-waving about the whole social justice craze isn't colored with envy.

Still, they were there and one of them talked about a person they know who has a long history in the civil rights movement. I wanted to say something, but I kept quiet. No point in being a jerk unnecessarily when I can be a massive and deliberate jerk here. Today is the rant I would have launched at the time had I given in to my worst nature.

Begin Rant

What ever happened to those civil rights guys? It looks to me like they've become self-absorbed, sanctimonious and downright evil. They're the ones who are making sure that some of our friends are experimented on like prisoners in a Nazi death camp. My specific example is my transgendered friend who has recently entered a new phase in her hopelessly doomed attempts to become a man.

Here's how her life has gone since I've known her.
  1. Could hold a job, had boyfriends.
  2. Could hold a job, had girlfriends.
  3. Could hold a job, was a boy.
  4. Could hold a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed.
  5. Had a hard time holding a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot.
  6. Had a hard time holding a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot, dabbled in Satanism.
  7. Had a hard time holding a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot, involved in Satanism, took 100x doses of testosterone*.
  8. Bipolar, couldn't hold a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot, involved in Satanism, took 100x doses of testosterone.
  9. Bipolar, couldn't hold a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot, involved in Satanism, took 100x doses of testosterone, into polyamory.
  10. Bipolar, couldn't hold a job, was a boy, smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot, involved in Satanism, took 100x doses of testosterone, into polyamory, exploring BDSM.
The polyamory and BDSM is the new twist to the whole thing. Both scream out, "Please, someone love me!" With polyamory, a woman crawls towards any relationship that will have her, even if she's the third-choice concubine. With BDSM, well, if someone is beating you, that doesn't suggest self-respect, now does it?

In short, I'm watching someone go mad in slow motion and there's nothing I can do to help. It's like one of those nightmares where you can't stop the doom you see coming.

Thanks, Social Justice crowd!

Because of civil rights and social justice tyranny, everyone has to keep their mouths shut about it. Medical professionals hand out poisons and slash bodies apart even though they know it's all rubbish. Me, if I was still working, I might get fired if I said I didn't think a woman could become a man. At the very least, HR would discipline me.

Here's what the social justice and civil rights warriors have told my friend:
  • You are perfect the way you are.
  • You should express your inner desires.
  • Anyone who doesn't agree that you're a boy is full of hate.
  • Avoid and fight hate.
  • Cut yourself off from family and friends if they don't acknowledge your gender because they are transphobic.
To my friends, I'd say, "On your way home, you can listen to NPR and their airy-fairy stories about acceptance and open-mindedness. You can fold your hands and look up to heaven and talk about how you're fighting hate. You can smile when you see trans kids and perverts in the library and say that love wins. But right here, right now, between me and you, I just want you to know what you've done. You did this to her. You're killing her, slowly torturing her to death while I watch her go mad in slow motion, day by day."

End Rant

And after that, my wife would rightfully divorce me and I'd become a crazed, blogging hermit.

I see it! I see it all now! Years and years of talking to myself on this blog and I have finally achieved total wisdom and clarity! Too bad there's no one to tell because my rants have driven everyone away.

* - I spent a fraction of a minute looking up the testosterone regimens for women with low T and women trying to become men. A normal woman who needs T gets doses from 0.5 to 2 mg. A tranny gets doses in the hundreds of mg. There is simply no way her body can cope with that and it's no wonder there are mental illness issues cropping up in my friend.

1 comment:

  1. *sympathy*

    Telling the truth in a way that will drive folks away from the truth doesn't help, you're right.

    Not sure how to fix it, though.
