
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Mini Mike Explains Sex To The Yokels

... and it's a good thing, too. If there's one thing Joe Six Pack doesn't understand, it's sex.

Good God. Sneering condescension simply drips off of him like sweat on a hot, humid day in Missibama or West Carolina or wherever it is those rural pigs live. What a repulsive human being.

By the way, Mike is so smart that he's lost the ability to perform basic reasoning. Mikey, sweetie, favoring trans rights over the rights of the bigots in flyover country is only pro-individual if those aforementioned bigots aren't seen as individuals themselves. Which they aren't, so I guess it's all systems go for Mike and the "intelligentsia." By all means, do carry on, Mike.

That repulsive is an accurate depiction of him is born out by dozens of similar quotes, taken in as much context as you like, where he explains to the Super Smart People how unlettered savages can be trained to grow crops or build things, but they cannot be trained to peck at keyboards in an office. Apparently, filling in numbers on a spreadsheet and answering emails is a sign that you are a member of the Elite.

Then there's the out-and-out racism and sexism. Readers of this blog know that I hate how both of those epithets are thrown out at people like me. I despise the Secular Left's descent into Nazi race theory and how feminists thrash young men until they become under-performing, porn-soaked eunuchs. Having said that, Michael Bloomberg is the Democrat stereotype of a racist, sexist, Republican snob. You couldn't make a cartoon character that fits better.

Yes, Virginia, racist, sexist Republicans do exist. Thank God Mini Mike is running as a Democrat this year. It's the only thing that's saving the rest of us from getting his slime all over us.

Tonight's Debate Preview

Mikey is running against his two worst possible opponents - Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. Neither have a future in politics after this campaign, so losing access to his billions means nothing to them. They have to beat him right now or their massive ambitions and egos won't be sated. They also have to go after him hard or they'll be seen as sell outs and patsies to their crazed supporters. Finally, I think they are true believers. They genuinely hate people like Bloomberg.

Here's a sample of what Liz is saying on the campaign trail.

I've followed a ton of Republican primaries and I've never seen anything like this. Even when the country club softies fight off the wild-eyed rednecks, they don't call each other racists. In Liz's defense, she's calling Mike Bloomberg a racist because Mike Bloomberg is a racist.

Tonight's debate is going to be lit.

Finally, the moderates, who want to turn us into Nazi Germany over a ten-year period instead of a four-year period, simply have to put an end to Mike and I mean right now. He's cut off their supplies of money. Big donors, who the moderates need because they don't have lunatic college kids supporting them, have shut their wallets. Who wants to blow money on Biden when your donation will be washed away by Mike's tsunami of cash?

This ought to be fun.

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