
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from a rainy San Diego! Here's hoping you get all the love and kindness you need today.

Out here in sunny (?) SoCal, Jose Jalapeño* wishes you a Merry Christmas, too and would be happy to donate some delicious and tangy peppers to your holiday feastings.
* - Jose Jalapeño works better than Joaquin Jalapeño, I think. I just came up with his name right now. Or is it a she? Since it bears lots and lots of fruit, maybe it should be Juanita Jalapeño. Hmm. No, I like Jose Jalapeño best.


  1. Copyright warning: “José Jalapeño on a Stick“ is a character of Jeff Dunham. See

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to keep José off of any sticks. :-)
