
Monday, September 09, 2019

Lullaby Gratitude

I spent the night on Saturday at my mom's house. She's in poor health and it looked like she might be passing away. She's blessed to still be in her own house and not in a nursing home or hospital. My wife spent some time at her bedside and, while there, had my mom's Alexa play a Chopin Pandora station.

I don't recall how or why we switched, but after a bit, I sat by my mom's bedside, holding her hand when a lullaby came on the station. I was struck by the sweetness of the moment that I had a chance to comfort my mom as she slept to the tune of a lullaby when, so many years ago, she had done the same for me, night after night, when I was a little boy in various hospitals.

Beautiful. Thanks, God, for the opportunity to love.

In case you were wondering: Mom bounced back on Sunday and was up and about again. She's a tough girl.


  1. This brings tears to my eyes. Such moments of tenderness and love are precious now and in eternity.

  2. Indeed they are. How fortunate to have them!
