
Saturday, September 07, 2019

Evolution Is Dangerous

... because it will get you canceled.

In all of the craziness of the social justice mania gripping our universities, press and left-wing politicians these days, I think there is something lost. Consider this: what does it mean to have your thinking evolve as you grow older and wiser? It's not that you get older and wiser, it's that, in the past, you were younger and more foolish.

When the SJW mob goes through someone's old social media streams, emails and private conversations, they are, of necessity, sampling a time when that person was younger and more foolish. If they happen to find a single example of racism, sexism or biologism*, you're screwed. They will get you fired, deplatformed, attacked in public and will do their best to ruin your life.

What it really means is that you need to come out of the womb chanting the catechism of the Social Justice crowd. Anyone who doesn't will have a moment in their past that can be exploited.

This, of course, is impossible. No one can live up to those standards, not even the brownshirts at the Southern Poverty Law Center. At some point in their past, each one of them must have said or done something that their fellow jackals can use to tear them apart.

Way back in the Pleistocene Era, when I was in high school, I was part of the wargaming gang. If you didn't know, the very best wargames involve the European Theater of WW II. There's nothing like it when it comes to tactical contests with cardboard counters on map boards.

When we played the games, whoever was playing the Nazi side would laughingly talk in German accents, put toothbrushes in front of their faces, give the Nazi salute and so forth. We thought it was hilarious. Hardcore gamers researched the subject like mad. We could tell you why the Panzerkampfwagen V, the Panther, was vastly superior to the American Sherman tank. In fact, in Squad Leader, it was mathematically impossible for a Sherman to take out a German King Tiger tank.

The Germans had the coolest uniforms and the best tanks. Oh, sure, the Soviets had the T-34, but their gear was drab and boring.

While we were having a great time, we were depositing in the past a rich vein of Social Justice crimes. Anyone who wanted to destroy me could mine that time of my life and easily come up with hundreds of examples of "hate."

And then there is this blog. Because I use it to flesh out my thoughts and because my thoughts contain errors, I've provided the Social Justice crazies mountains of evidence of my WrongThink. My only path to salvation and security would be to never utter or write down anything that violates their ever-changing standards of purity.

Oh, screw it. The Germans really did have the coolest uniforms and the best tanks. If that gets me boiled in arugula, so be it.

* - I can't stand the term "homophobia." I'm looking for a substitute. Biologism would mean the belief that all people came from the union of one man and one woman. There's no fear or "phobia" there, just an admission of the facts of reproductive biology.


  1. “I can't stand the term "homophobia." I'm looking for a substitute.”

    Your efforts are futile. The SJW’s and others of the truly far left, have become the owners of our Newspeak. Any attempts to resist will be ignored, unless they actually start to take hold, at which point you will be re-educated to become part of the collective. Hmmm... the parallels to the Borg are disturbing.

  2. I have thought on the topic of how normal people who don't subscribe to post-modern madness can endure the potentially withering fire the SJW mobs can cook up. I come back over and over again to that we need to unite in oir local neighborhoods and in the Church especially, so that no one can be singled out for assault without his neighbors rising up to defend him. The difficulty lies in that people are so severely cowed by the thought of being ostracized or attacked with lawfare that many are afraid to take any real stand for a brother in need, lest he himself be attacked.
