
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

This Quiet Wakefulness Thing Had Better Work

... or I'm in a lot of trouble.

On travel this week, I got a great night's sleep Monday night. Last night was not so good. 3 hours, maybe. I decided to just lay there for about 3 more hours with my eyes closed, figuring that even if I didn't fall back to sleep, it had to help. It turns out that's called "quiet wakefulness" and it's of some use.
Sometimes referred to as quiet wakefulness, resting with your eyes closed can calm your mind, give at least some of your neurons a break (since you’re not actively thinking or concentrating on something), and let your muscles and organs relax. It can also reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase alertness, mental clarity, creativity, and motivation. All of these changes can enhance your productivity.
In deep sleep, however, almost all of your neurons turn off, which is what makes your brain feel rested. I've got a 5-hour drive plus a 7-hour workday ahead. Those neurons had best be ready to do their thing or this is going to get ugly.



  1. My brain typically goes into overdrive on useless stuff when I close my eyes.

    Good luck.

  2. MN - exactly!

    I survived. On the drive back from the site, 2 1/2 hours if you're keeping score, I stopped once I got away from the traffic jam area and took a 30 minute nap. I highly recommend them over crashing your car because you fell asleep at the wheel.
