
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discussing Baltimore

... instead of discussing race is what we need to do.

I keep getting surprised by how effective President Trump is and how Pavolvian his opponents are. Consider what his goading has gotten them to do and this is a very, very partial list.
  1. Fauxcahontas takes a DNA test and proves she's about as Indian as the Kaiser.
  2. Nancy Pelosi defends Ilhan Omar and all of her anti-Semitic baggage.
  3. Nancy Pelosi defends AOC and all of her lunacy.
  4. The entire Democratic Party is now defending Baltimore.
Baltimore is a complete and total disaster. It's also been run by the Democrats for 60 years. There's not a single Republican on the city council. In 2017, this happened.
A Project Baltimore investigation has found five Baltimore City high schools and one middle school do not have a single student proficient in the state tested subjects of math and English
The place is radioactive with fail. Then Elijah Cummings, who represents West Baltimore, where those schools are and where crime is about the worst in the nation, decides to whack the Border Patrol in Congress. Big mistake. Trump flattens him on Twitter, bringing up the true state of his congressional district. The Democrats have a reflexive spasm and scream, "Racism!" Another big mistake. That card is not only overplayed, but practically meaningless now. Trump responded with another devastating broadside.
He's got the facts on his side, facts we all know. No one, not even the most woke transgender latinx from Oberlin drives through West Baltimore at night if there is any other option. We all know this. Screaming "Racism!" into the teeth of bald reality does nothing but discredit you.

Dig this.

There are gallons and gallons of videos just like this and worse from West Baltimore. Screaming "Racism!" isn't going to work when people see stuff like this. With the information gatekeepers washed away because of social media, people are going to see it.

Not that it really matters, because we all know this stuff is happening.

We've needed to have conversations about the breakdown of society and civilization for a long time. It's not a conversation about race, it's a conversation about behavior. With Trump blowing right through the "Racism!" barricades, we might finally have that conversation.


  1. A few years ago (and pre-Freddy Gray) Mrs Ohioan and I took an Amtrak from Washington DC to NYC. One of the stops was a station in Baltimore. The areas on both sides off the station and the station itself were in terrible condition. Even in the middle of the morning there was no way you could have gotten me off that train with anything less than a double barrel shotgun. Anyways, what our President wrote is probably overstated, but still pretty much right on.

    This, on top of the complete insanity over Miss Michigan tweeting two true things, and then being pilloried for racism, I think the left may find itself facing a movement, in which conservatives around the country will start showing a backbone when shrill calls of racism are thrown at people who are simply telling the truth. This would be a great thing, since truly fixing problems can not start until we accept the truth.

  2. Ohioan, I think Trump is the tonic for the poison of racialism. Unlike the Mitt Romneys of the world, he won't be bullied and just shouts louder when he's poked.
