
Friday, June 21, 2019

Pink And White

These are geraniums from my mom's yard. The plant is simply enormous and is more than 30 years old. I left the photo large, so it might be worth a click. Enjoy!


  1. That's one plant? Apart from 30 years, how do you get a geranium to grow so yuge?

  2. Our Pionyes are popping now. And the Tiger Lollies are about to...

  3. Are you sure that's geranium? It looks like two petunias to me, probably the trailing sort (which could be why they are so big), which reseed themselves every year. Here in the mid-West, petunias are annuals, but I expect that the individual planys can live for several years in So. Cali.

    When I was a kid, I planted some white trailing petunias at the back stoop. The reseeded themselves for a number of years after that, finally dying out when I was away at college. Being the trailing variety, by the end of summer, they'd look like a mount of snow.

  4. I agree that those look like petunias, the geraniums I've seen don't have that type of trumpet-shaped blossoms. Still very nice, though.

  5. I'm pretty sure that's a photo of my mom's geranium. It's actually more than 40 years old, planted at the base of a tree. I might be wrong. I was exhausted last night and needed a blog post to salve my OCD. The picture was in my photo stream and I liked it.


  6. Hey you got some commentary! Sometimes your posts are a bit above my pay grade but I like to join in some.
