
Friday, June 28, 2019

Kamala Harris:Invade Mexico!

Well, it makes sense, once you think about it.

  1. We want to provide health care for all illegal aliens.
  2. We won't deport or prosecute anyone who crosses the border.
  3. We must fight Global Warming Climate Change.
  4. Mexicans come and go across our border at will.
  5. All that traveling creates excess carbon dioxide.
Clearly, the only solution is to invade Mexico and bring the healthcare to them.


  1. Actually, that got me wondering - what is the health care situation in Mexico?

    It turns out that they have had universal basic health care since 2012:

    It sounds like it covers basic and catastrophic health care, and I expect that it is probably fairly minimal since they still have over half of their health-care expenditures paid either by private insurance or out-of-pocket.

    While the Mexican health-care system clearly isn't exceptional, it does exist and it sounds like it is priced pretty reasonably. I don't see where "getting free health care" is much of an incentive for people with no money in Mexico to sneak into the US.

  2. I don't have any first-hand reports on health care in Mexico, but I do know that coming to the US any time anything went wrong was really popular with my home-school group member's relatives from that side. So it might be free, and worth every penny.
