
Monday, June 17, 2019

Creepy Google

At the gym this morning, on one of the TVs, was the CEO of Google, old what's-his-name.

Aside: Why do gyms think you want to watch political shows while you work out? Why isn't it all travel, adventure and sports?

Anyway, some CNN airhead was interviewing him about hate speech and controlling the political discourse on YouTube and elsewhere. It gave me chills.

Here's the head of this ultra-massive multinational whose control over communications is utterly dominant and whose corporation is completely in bed with one particular political party, calmly talking about what opinions will be suppressed on the Internet.

I'm guessing that the racist ravings of Ta-Nehisi Coates won't be among the ones banned from YouTube.

In completely unrelated news, 24 power-mad maniacs who seek the job which will give regulatory control over Google are desperately looking for financial backing and internet traffic to their campaign sites.


  1. There is nothing more terrifying, and dangerous to our nation, than suppressing speech (see the US Constitution, Amendment #1). Now the first amendment applies to the government, not a private enterprise, so technically Google/Facebook/Twitter and the rest can suppress speech, but it is nonetheless truly terrifying that individuals can control speech/discourse.

  2. "Why do gyms think you want to watch political shows while you work out?"

    Maybe they think you exercise more vigorously when you are angry?

    I still think you should ask them to change the channel, and if they don't, see what brand of TV they have and get an appropriate universal remote.
