
Monday, May 13, 2019

The Religious Aristocracy Losing Its Grip

... that's the aristocracy of the Secular Left, in case you're wondering.

Dig this interview of Nigel Farage on the BBC.

In case you aren't following the upcoming British elections, the Brexit Party is leading in the polls. Nigel is the head of the party. Their strength comes from the fact that the Elites are refusing to do what the Normals wanted, which was to leave the EU. The interviewer above, a member of the left wing aristocracy, can't get off the talking points worshipped within his bubble - global warming, LGBT, Putin, etc. He's trapped in his own opinions and can't cope with Nigel.

In a similar interview, again on the BBC, a member of the Elites' media aristocracy gets mauled by Ben Shapiro for the same reason. He can't cope with Ben's thoughts because he can't escape his bubble. Click on any point in the interview and it's the same thing - irrelevant questions batted down with typical Shapiro ferocity.

Now dig this tweet about what's happening with the Secular Left after Dr. Ray Blanchard, a highly esteemed psychologist was banned from Twitter for sharing the conclusions of his research on transgenderism. No surprise, he concludes it's a mental disorder.

When I hear snippets of Joe Biden's stump speech it's similar. He's caught in his own, little world, warning of a return to Jim Crow because some states want you to show a picture ID before you vote, as if blacks are too ignorant or stupid to get IDs.

Over and over, you see devout adherents of he progs' religion speaking at anyone who disagrees, parroting the same things over and over like mutations of a sacred creed.

Weird, man.


  1. Their behavior of repeating bluntly crazy stuff until folks believe it is really similar to a famous leader who used “the big lie” as a matter of policy. Now let’s see, how did that path work for that country?

  2. When a person or a society (and a "movement" is that) chooses to embrace a lie, it must keep embracing other, and usually larger, lies to cover for the previous lies.
