
Sunday, May 05, 2019

In: Saving Us From Evil Spirits, Out: Fundamental Competence

This story blew me away. County sheriffs will no longer support the Portland Police Department.
PORTLAND, ORE. – Portland just lost a huge chunk of its police presence.

On Friday, Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts wrote an email to his deputies, stating his concern for their safety.

“I will not place you at unnecessary personal and professional risk,” the email read.

The city of Portland is largely patrolled by the Portland Police Bureau and receives support from neighboring counties like Clackamas Sheriff’s Department. With this decision, remaining officers in the area will no doubt feel the stress of being understaffed.
Law enforcement agencies in the area feel that the Portland city government is so anti-cop that they are pulling out of their existing arrangements to protect their members. And no wonder. Dig the video below where Portland police stand by and allow ANTIFA thugs to control the streets.

Police protection is part of the basic services a government is supposed to provide its citizens. Meanwhile, the Portland government has taken strong stances on global warming climate change and white supremacists.

Fantasy concerns, yes. Basic functions, no.

The same thing is happening across the country in cities where the Secular Left dominates. If you haven't seen this video by the ABC Seattle TV station on the problems of homelessness and drug addiction up there, you should.

Again, this is part of the essential services a city is supposed to provide. In San Francisco, human feces and addicts' needles are strewn in the streets. Los Angeles has about 60,000 homeless and is the filthiest I've ever seen it. Here in San Diego, some of our streets downtown look like an REI showroom with all the tents erected on the sidewalks.

Meanwhile, the progs in the media, the academy, the entertainment industry and politics are focused on statues, flags and windmills. The worries of the Elites are totally separated from the concerns of the Normals.



  1. Suddenly, Portland's willingness to hang out any officer who actually DOES anything makes a lot more sense. They weren't always their officers, anyways....

  2. An open message to the city leaders of Portland, OR:

    Message begins

    Re: A preview of your future.

    See Baltimore, MD.

    Message ends

  3. The Garage Logic podcast turned me on to the Seattle dying story, about a month ago.? It is well worth the time.

  4. A big part of what you're seeing comes straight out of the standard leftist playbook (*) -- foment disruption, anarchy and chaos, and then present yourselves as just the people to fix the problem(s).

    (*) Hell! it *so* standard that my mother explained it to me when I was a kid, more than 50 years ago.

  5. It's all self-correcting anyway. It can't last because it eventually consumes all available resources.
